########################## Frequently Asked Questions ########################## .. highlight:: none 1. **Where's my OKD inventory file?** This can be found on the **Bastion**, in a cluster-specific directory under ``okd/inventories``. For example, the inventory file for the *simple AWS* deployment is ``okd/inventories/simple-aws-3-11/inventory.yaml``. Remember that the inventory is auto-generated by the ``create.py`` utility, any changes you make to it might be lost. 1. **Where's the source of the OKD inventory File?** The OKD inventory file is constructed by rendering `Jinja2`_ template files and populating variables via the **Terraform** templating feature. The inventory is typically formed from two files, a ``.root`` and ``.yaml.tpl.j2``. Both can be found in a deployment-specific directory under ``okd/inventories``. For example, the inventory file templates for the *simple AWS* deployment can be found in ``okd/inventories/simple-aws-3-11``. The ``.root`` file is generally where OKD configuration variables are specified. The ``.yaml.tpl.j2`` is a rather complex file that is used to dynamically construct the list of nodes in the cluster. .. _jinja2: http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/