#################### The OKD Orchestrator #################### .. image:: ../images/vintage-1318361_1280.png A Container Runtime Orchestrator for the Origin Community Distribution of Kubernetes (`OKD`_) v3.11 and beyond. A project sponsored by `OpenRiskNet`_. .. epigraph:: *OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment* -- Project Number 731075 .. image:: ../images/eu-96x64.png .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: orientation architecture getting-started compiling-machine-images anatomy-of-a-deployment-configuration generating-site-certificates creating-your-cluster destroying-your-cluster advanced/advanced-topics faq The **OKD Orchestrator** is a tool to simplify the cloud-deployment of the OpenShift Origin `OKD`_ container runtime. The project contains tools to build base images for cloud providers and then deploy, with minimal effort, a Bastion and OpenShift cluster based on those images. The reader should have some familiarity with cloud environments (like the AWS `EC2`_ platform) and the RedHat OpenShift Origin/OKD framework. To run the *Simple AWS* example discussed in the :doc:`orientation`, the user is required to have an AWS EC2 account and credentials to allow API access. The OKD Orchestrator is inspired by the open-source `KubeNow`_ project, a cloud-agnostic platform for Docker and Kubernetes. **Don't Panic!** There's a lot of stuff in this repository but, depending on what you expect to do, you may not need to understand everything that's going on here. * If you're new to the OKD Orchestrator, start by familiarising yourself with the :doc:`orientation` document. Then, before building your first cluster follow the :doc:`getting-started` guide .. _okd: https://www.okd.io .. _ec2: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ .. _kubenow: https://github.com/kubenow/KubeNow .. _openrisknet: https://openrisknet.org Building the Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. highlight:: none A pre-built HTML rendition of the documentation can be found in the ``docs/build`` directory, where you'll find an ``index.html`` file. The source of this documentation can be found in the orchestrator's ``docs/source`` directory. It is written using `Sphinx`_ and, once you have installed the basic tools described in the :doc:`getting-started` section, you can be build it from ``docs``. To build the HTML version of this documentation move to the ``docs`` directory and execute the following:: $ ./make-docs.sh The resultant index page will be called ``build/html/index.html`` and it and the rest of the generated files must be committed to revision control as changes to the documentation are made. .. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/#