Post-Deployment Package Options

When the OKD software has been deployed the orchestrator allows you to conveniently run additional Ansible playbooks that are designed to install extra software.

A built-in post-OKD playbook exists, called acme-controller. Ths creates an OKD project and installs a utility to automatically provision certificates using ACME protocol and manage their lifecycle.

Running post-OKD playbooks

To execute a post-OKD installation playbook you simply need to name it in your configuration 1. Essentially, you just need to add the name of the playbook in the post_okd list:

  - play: acme-controller

Adding new playbooks

Pre-defined Variables

Special variables are passed to post-OKD playbooks, so adding your own OKD applications that can operate the master API after the OKD software is installed is easy. The playbooks are provided with the following variables by the create utility: -

  • okd_api_hostname. Essentially the https location of the master’s API.

  • okd_admin_password. The OKD administration user password. (the user is admin)

  • okd_deployment. The name of deployment.

If a developer password has been supplied the following variable is defined: -

  • okd_developer_password. The OKD developer user password (the user is developer)

If a template project has been created you also get: -

  • template_namespace. The project/namespace of the template project

Adding plays

To add an ansible playbook you need to: -

  1. Create a directory for your playbook in the orchestrator’s ansible/post-okd directory

  2. Your playbook must have a deploy.yaml. It is this playbook that the create utility will call. The deploy playbook will be provided with the variables described above.

If you’ve added a my-play/deploy.yaml playbook you can add it the the list of post-OKD plays that are run at the end of your deployment by adding it to the post_okd list in your configuration:

  - play: acme-controller
  - play: my-play

You can organise your playbook into roles and add a directory to ansible/post-okd/roles if you wish, or just provide a playbook. Regardless, you have to define a deploy.yaml to act as the entry point of your playbook.



For up-to-date instructions refer to the built-in compact-aws-frankfurt-3-11 configuration, which contains significant embedded documentation